La Botella

0 thoughts on “La Botella

  1. I love the fact that you are sharing a tradition loved by so many of us and putting an updated spin on it. The pictures are breathtaking and your talent is truly a gift. Although a small part, I felt so proud to be a part of your Kickstarter project. I’m hoping to be able to get the full set. Best Wishes.

    • Thanks, Cliff! More to come! The better we do on sales in these initial days of the Loteria Grandes, the faster I can be producing the next Loteria artworks. Fingers crossed! πŸ™‚ ‘Appreciate your support. We’ll take care of your order this weekend.

    • WordPress chose today to be wonky so I only now saw the comments here on this piece, or else I certainly would’ve clicked ‘approve’ on them much sooner. Mary, thanks so much. Means the world.

  2. That is a beautiful drawing, and a most engaging portrait of Jay. I am his mother, and this is a hard day. You tree has brightened it considerably. Thank you, thank you, Sarah

    • Just emailed you, but saying here in front of everyone, thank you for bringing an amazing human into the world. He will not be forgotten. ‘Appreciate you taking the time to stop by. All best thoughts!

  3. Wow! What a tribute. You can feel the heart and soul of el arbol. When I looked at it, the lines of the bark and the roots just spoke to me of the depth of things that happen in our life. It also is so vibrant and you can feel life beating at it’s core. Wonderful job John!

  4. That really is fantastic, John. Although I always enjoy seeing the end result after color is added, your pencils are so outstanding that I’m glad you make those available to be seen as well. I have loved trees since my earliest childhood memories of walking through our neighborhood woods and climbing trees much higher than was probably safe to do. I have always felt a special connection to them and this piece inspires more of those feelings.

    • Thanks so much, Carl. I don’t know why WordPress only NOW notified me that your comment was here for approval (seriously, WP?), but I hugely appreciate your kind words. I had to put the color work on this aside to finish other client deadline work, but hopefully it’ll be finished soon so I can unveil the final.

  5. This is incredible stuff, I’m really pulling for you to get a full playable set going. I think you need way more exposure, people will definitely buy your work!

  6. I would love to be on your Lone Boy list but can’t seem to find a spot to sign up. Also, there seems to be some yellow print in the white box above this form but it shows up on my tablet as a kinda yellowish smudge. From poking it, I guess it’s to go back a page. I tried adjusting the brightness on my Kindle Fire but it didn’t help and my computer died so it’s this or nothing, right now. Black or dark colored print on white always works, if less artistic.

  7. I would love to be added to the Lone Boy list!!! Also, when will you have more items instock? Im interested in the whole collection! You are amazing!!!

    • Hi, Brittany! Thank you. πŸ™‚ Sorry that I just now noticed this comment. It’s been nuts over here. Sending out alerts to Lone Boy List Members today and tomorrow. The Loteria Grande Series Two cards are available for online sales until Monday, December 5th. After that, they’ll no longer be available for sale online. Link coming your way soon!

  8. Hey I wanted to ask you a question if you don’t mind, I wondering where you can go to sign up for the Lone boy list? And if you plan on restocking the card collections again?😊 If so do I go somewhere to get notified ? Btw i’m sorry if I’m asking to many questions.πŸ˜…

    • 1) You’re now added! πŸ™‚

      2) Once the Grande Cards run out, they’re gone. I only print 1000 of each. The good news is that I’ve seen fans selling singles of various cards around the internet. I’m considering starting a Loteria Facebook page where fans can buy, sell, and trade my Grande Cards. That way, those that are looking for certain cards might be able to score them off of those who have any extras.

      3) All good questions. Once you’re the on the List, you’ll get notifications when I have Loteria announcements. πŸ™‚ Thanks, Angela!

  9. Since I was a child I’ve Loved playing La LoterΓ­a! I was fascinated when I just happened to stumble upon your work and I’m so Happy that I did! Your art speaks to me and I hope to collect all cards in the series. I’m hoping to get updates on your newest cards so I won’t miss out on any.

    It was a real pleasure speaking to you personally about my question and correcting the error so promptly and courteously. It’s kind of refreshing to see how “hands on” you are about your work and business.

    Continued success and God’s speed as you reflect our Mexican-American heritage and culture in such a vibrant and stunning fashion! I hope your art will continue to bring joy to our children and grandchildren and all future generation. What a wonderful legacy you will be leaving.